Content Creators
The next round of applications is now open! Sign up on the interest list to be notified once you can apply!
Nano Learning is a bite-sized, actionable, on-demand learning solution in the form of a video series. This video series is equivalent to a total of 30 minutes, broken down into 5-minute snippets for EO members to learn swiftly yet effectively.
Curate bite-sized content
with your video series
Be featured
on the EO Learning Platform
Give back
to the EO community!

We believe YOU are the best source of Nano Learning content because:

As an EO member, you are a global expert in your respective industry. 

You understand other members' needs to learn swiftly yet effectively, with practical topics and actionable content.

EO members possess diverse knowledge and wide-ranging experiences — these must be shared in support of our values, 
Thirst for Learning and Together We Grow


Watch the video for a step-by-step guide on applying!

The next round of applications is now open until 1 December 2023.
All EO members may apply!

Successful members will join a briefing session to prepare and produce their Nano Learning video content*.


*IMPORTANT: Successful members will cover their filming and production expenses.


Topic and Idea

Nano Learning requires practical topics with actionable content and targeted outcomes. Present a new idea or unique solution that you can deliver best; search for your idea on the EO Learning Platform to ensure there's no content like it yet.

We are looking for expert content for the following playlists/themes: 

How does your product or service add lasting value to your consumers' lives?

Do you want to pursue a higher purpose beyond profit, while staying true to your core business model or idea?

Go beyond of the box and share impact-driven perspectives on how your fellow members' businesses can strengthen their impact and make a difference.

Are your business and brand future-proof? Are you prepared to survive and thrive through change and uncertainty?

Can you keep up and create opportunities out of emerging technologies?

Equip your fellow members' business and brand with the knowledge, mindset, and strategies that are keys to a winning future.

What are the dynamics of effective teams? How can you apply them in your company's current work environment?

Do your leadership and culture enable collaboration, innovation, and learning?

Share best practices on how your fellow members can lead their people to grow together, and grow their business and brand in the process.

Did you experience struggling with or have expert knowledge on behaviors that kept you from growing and succeeding, such as impostor syndrome, perfectionism, or procrastination?

Share actionable ways with your fellow entrepreneurs on how to overcome these self-limiting habits and confidently achieve your full potential.

Did you find it difficult to balance managing your relationships while managing your business? Do you want to share best practices on how you overcame it?

Impart actionable ways with your fellow entrepreneurs on how to strengthen their commitment in creating deep and lasting connections with the significant people in their life.

Key Takeaways

For Nano Learning to be effective, all topics must have a significant impact and valuable lessons that the audience can take away then practice immediately. Insights from the new idea or unique solution must be clear and specific.

Speaker Short Bio

Share your biography and credentials. On top of that, tell us what sets you apart and why you strongly believe that you are the best person to effectively deliver Nano Learning. 


Please ensure you follow these requirements:

Your topic and idea, key takeaways, and speaker short bio must be clear and in English within two (2) minutes. We recommend that you write a script as a guide. Do not include product/service pitches and personal experiences or philosophies. 
Record in a horizontal orientation and 16:9 aspect ratio using a computer, phone, or professional camera. Choose the highest resolution and ensure a stable frame. Position your camera at eye level and look straight into the lens while speaking. 
A well-lit, quiet recording area is most preferred. Angle natural light or lighting equipment towards your face. Do not use a green screen and avoid busy areas that may have extraneous motion. Put away or turn off any source of unwanted noise.
Upload your video on Dropbox, Google Drive, or Vimeo with the title as [Your Name] - EO Nano Learning Content Creator Application. Make it unlisted or shared for public viewing.
Applications will be screened and evaluated based on the following criteria:

● Practicability (15 points): Are the topic and idea useful to EO members and relevant to their needs? Is it fresh, unique, and something they are yet to learn? Ensure it is uncommon and not yet covered in previous EO learning programmes/events.

 Impact (20 points): Do the topic and idea provide takeaways that have a significant impact on the audience? How will the takeaways affect them and their businesses? It must inspire them with valuable lessons and encourage them to act immediately.

 Clarity (15 points): Is the structure and delivery of the topic and takeaways clear and specific? Was it presented energetically and engagingly? Proficiency in both crafting and delivery is important to avoid confusing content. 
The next round of applications is now open.
Please review the guidelines for application, video, and criteria above before submitting your application. 

IMPORTANT: Please note that successful members will cover their filming and production expenses.

- Application Period: 1 November 2023 to 1 December 2023
- Screening of Applications: 4-13 December 2023 
- Notification of Selection: 15 December 2023
- Content & Video Production: 15 December 2023 - January 2024
- Launch of Videos: final date TBD